Syberia is an adventure game series designed by the Belgian comic artist Benoît Sokal and developed by the French studio Microids hailing from Paris. The main character of Syberia is Kate Walker, an American lawyer, who suddenly finds herself on a journey filled with mysteries and intriguing characters.
Syberia is the first installment in the series which was released in 2002. Kate Walker is working for the law firm "Marson & Lormont Ass." based in New York, who send her to Valadilene to sign a deal with Voralberg Manufacturing on behalf of their client, the Universal Toy Company. To Kate's surprise that task suddenly becomes more complicated than expected.
Syberia Characters
Syberia Locations
Syberia II is the second instalment in the series which was released in 2004. It's the direct continuation of Kate Walker's adventure from Syberia and starts where the first game ended. Kate joins Hans Voralberg on his search for The Isle of Syberia.
Syberia II Characters
Syberia II Locations
Syberia III is the third instalment of the series which was released in 2022. After abandoning The Isle of Syberia, Kate finds herself adrift on a makeshift boat. She's rescued by the Youkol people and decides to help them take the snow ostriches on their seasonal migration. The game includes a DLC - An Automaton With a Plan.
Syberia III Characters
Syberia III Locations
Syberia: The World Before is the fourth instalment in the series and was released 2017. The game follows two timelines with two characters: Dana Roze, a young pianist in the small Central European country of Osterthal and Kate Walker, the protagonist of Syberia series, who is now imprisoned in a salt mine in the Eastern European region of Taiga.
Syberia: TWB Characters
Syberia: TWB Locations
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