Syberia Wiki
Syberia Wiki

Malka is an orphan little girl who lives in Romansburg, under the tutelage of Cirkos.


Malka has fair skin and black hair tied in a ponytail. She is wearing a light brown coat.


Malka is a little girl who lives in Romansburg, under the tutelage of Cirkos. It was her mother, when she was ill, who entrusted the child to him. The woman died shortly after because the monks of the monastery refused to treat her, claiming that her illness was not serious enough. Malka guards the box that contains the shrouds to be applied to the faces of sick people so that the monks of the monastery can judge whether the disease is serious enough to be cured by them. According to Malka, Ivan and Igor are bad, thieves and stinkers.

Malka likes candy and has been seen playing with a balloon.


  • Her voice actress Barbara Scaff has also voiced Young Hans.
